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Bound Angle

baddha konasana


Accessible Hip Stretch: Unlike more complex poses that target the hips, the Bound Angle Pose is accessible to practitioners of all levels, as there are so many options, offering a hip stretch without requiring too much flexibility or strength. Targeted Groin Stretch: Bound Angle Pose provides a deep, specific stretch to the inner thighs and groin area, helping to open the hips in a focused manner. Gentle on the Knees: While it stretches the inner thighs and groins, it is gentle on the knees compared to other hip-opening poses, making it accessible for individuals with knee issues. Postural Benefits: Some variations of Bound Angle Pose encourages an upright and elongated spine, which helps improve posture. Meditative Focus: The pose's structure naturally supports a meditative posture, making it an excellent choice for seated meditation. The alignment and grounding it provides can enhance focus and mental clarity.



While the Bound Angle Pose (Baddha Konasana) is generally safe and beneficial, there are some cautions and contraindications to keep in mind: Knee Injuries: While it's pretty safe for the knees, if the pose is forced or if the knees are injured, caution here is worth mentioning. Groin or Inner Thigh Injuries: Individuals with recent groin or inner thigh injuries should be cautious in this pose, as it deeply stretches these areas and could worsen the injury. Hip Issues: Those with hip problems, including arthritis or severe hip tightness, should approach this pose carefully. Overstretching can exacerbate hip pain or lead to injury. Lower Back Pain: If you have lower back pain or a history of lower back injuries, ensure the pelvis is neutral so the spine can be up right and also neutral. Then depending on issue go from there. Spinal Conditions.



Preparation in getting the pelvis aligned and neutral first if going for the seated options. Prepare any props required.


Cue In

1 Sit on the floor with soles of feet together. 2 Sit up tall, pelvis neutral, spine long. 3 If sitting is challenging, use a folded blanket or clock to elevate hips. 4 Open knees to find a gentle stretch in your inner thighs. "Feel free to hold onto your feet or ankles with your hands. You can gently press your elbows into your thighs to encourage a deeper stretch.” “Listen to your body. If you need more support, you can place blocks or cushions under your thighs.” "Feet closer to pelvis will give you more for the inner thighs, further away less but will start to target the hamstrings" “Sit up tall, lengthening through the crown of your head. Imagine a string pulling you up towards the ceiling.” “Think about creating space between each vertebra, feeling a sense of length in your spine.” “On an inhale, lengthen your spine even more. As you exhale, start to hinge forward from your hips finding more stretch in the back body” “With each exhale, see if you can release a little more tension and sink just a bit deeper into the pose.”



Shoulder Relaxation Adjustment: Place your hands on their shoulders and watch them relax away from the ears, promoting relaxation. Deepening the Forward Fold: Place your hands on their ribcage. Encourage the student to lengthen their spine on the inhale and exhale hinge forward, gently guiding them deeper into the fold. Hip Rotation Press : Kneel or squat behind the student. Place your hands on the outer thighs, apply gentle downward pressure to encourage the knees to move closer to the floor. This will deepen the stretch in the inner thighs and groin.


Counter Poses

For the spine : If you folded, a gentle backbend or twist is recommended. For the hips : Extend the hips or internally rotate. For the Knees : Extend them. Reclined Hero Pose (Supta Virasana) This pose stretches the front of the thighs and hips and rotates the thighs in the opposite direction. Bridge Pose (Setu Bandhasana) Bridge Pose stretches the hip flexors and strengthens the back, counteracting the forward bend and hip opening of Baddha Konasana. Reverse Tabletop Pose (Ardha Purvottanasana) This pose strengthens the back, shoulders, and legs, providing a counteraction to the seated forward fold option. Legs Up the Wall Pose (Viparita Karani) This restorative pose helps to relax the legs and lower back, offering gentle relief after the intense stretch of Baddha Konasana. Reclined Twist (Supta Matsyendrasana) Twists help to release tension in the spine and stretch the outer hips, providing a balanced stretch after the inner thigh opening. Child's Pose (Balasana) Child's Pose gently stretches the back and hips, providing a calming and grounding counterpose.


"See the variations,
simple to complex
1 Sit Up : Sit on a block or a blanket to help pelvis align more neutral or tilt forward. 2 Strap Support : Use a strap around feet and pelvis to help with an upright posture. The strap can help keep the pelvis from tilting backward. It can also add pressure to the thighs, gently pushing the knees further apart. 3. Hug Bolster : To support the upper body or head even. 4. Feet further Forward : Takes away some of the groin stretch and targets hamstrings a little more. 5. Block Support Hips : Use blocks to reduce the stretch if needed or discomfort from compression by wedging them underneath each thigh at an amount suitable for the individual. 6. Bolster Under Knees : Does the same trick as above, but allows less options in changing height. It can be more comfortable as a softer material than cork bricks. 7. Arms To Deepen : Tuck arms under legs to draw you into the stretch further. 8. Elevate Feet : Also increases range. 9. Add a Bind : Requires a deeper tucked position. It can put pressure on the shoulders. 10. Feet Close : Deep fold and groin stretch. 11. Bolster Recline : Add blocks to lift the bolster like a deck chair, super relaxing. Arms can bind overhead to further open the arms, chest and sides. The bolster can create a backbend opening the front body. 12. Blanket Neck Support : For those that find it difficult to keep their neck neutral here can use a blanket to help with that. 13. Block Backbend : Similar to the bolster option - Number 11. 14. Extend Neck : Like fish pose extra benefits of stretching the front of the neck. 15. Lift Feet : Use arms to keep feet together and pry knees apart. 16. Strap Happy Baby : Extends knees compared to 15, to add hamstring stretch. Strap gives option to not go as deep - extra arm length to reach feet whilst remaining grounded through the upperbody. 17. Happy Baby : Extends knees to add hamstring stretch. 18. Straddle : Deepens hamstring stretch further and inner thighs. 19. 1/2 Butterfly Straight : Keep leg forward and explore the next variations. Less on the inner thighs. 20. Widen Leg Support knee : To reduce hamstring / inner thigh stretch. 21. Twist : Stretch the sides. 22. Middle Fold : Stretch back of body and inner thigh 23. Middle Fold Deeper 24. Strap Foot Twisted Fold : Increased stretch down the back of straight leg & inner thigh. 25. Same as 24 but Deeper 26. Strap Side Bend : Added stretch to the side body 27/ Same as 26 but Deeper
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